Financial Services & Technologies

Empowering Communities

Payment Collection

Simplify Payments with DSD Payment Collection

Secure, Fast, and Seamless Payment Solutions for Your Business.

Collecting your payments can no longer be a headache. For your online business, your e-commerce platform, your restaurant, your shop, your pharmacy, your bottle store, you name it; we fulfil your payment collection needs. Even if you simply want to receive your remittance from abroad, you can trust this task to us, with very low decline rate.   

About Payment Collection

Hassle-Free Payment Collection for Businesses & Service Providers

DSD Payment Collection enables businesses, freelancers, and service providers to receive payments effortlessly. Our solution offers seamless API integration, secure transactions, and multiple payment options to cater to local and international clients. Whether you’re selling products, services, or subscriptions, we ensure smooth financial transactions.

Analytics - one (1) back office for all your payment providers and methods

Keep all data in one place. One-page and easy-to-manipulate data management tool to keep you in full control over data from various payment channels. Be in charge all your payment channels with single access and one place to rule and monitor them

Smart routing and Declines Management

With smart routing, we’ll help you route transactions to channels that are most likely to approve them to avoid declines and optimize your costs for processing. We’ll help you distribute declined transactions between multiple payment channels and help you keep track of decline reasons for enhanced analytics. We go beyond the reason code allowing cardholders to clearly understand what reason stands behind each decline. With our system, you can translate them into the human language and increase approval ratio.

Firs class billing system

Calculate how much exactly your payment provider owe you, based on agree fees with our top-of-the-industry technologies allowing to set customizable fees for each individual payment action Use routing and cascading, analytics and billing to track which payment provider is the most cost effective and optimize your channels based on your unique experience

Payment Collection Benefit

Why Choose DSD Payment Collection?

Easy Payments

Accept bank transfers, mobile money, and card payments.

Seamless API Integration

Connect our payment solution to your website or app.

Instant Settlements

Receive funds in your account quickly and securely.