Simplified Financial Intermediation
Flexible Solutions Tailored to Your Needs
Commercial banks partners
If you are in need of loan, we’re your perfect partner. Consumer credit for individuals and SMEs, is a strong driver of retail banking growth globally and has demonstrated enormous growth potential in Africa, specifically in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) markets. Increasing consumer credit penetration has driven growth in other emerging markets. However, if its massification does not keep up with the economy's ability to generate income for its repayment, it could have opposite effects and endanger the stability of the financial system. DSD Capital is involved with commercial banking, recruiting and training credit agents, who assist clients, and the financial system, for quality credit. Come to us, we will never fail you.

Microcredit banks partners
We offer to you a cluster of microcredits, formed by reputed financial institutions, well scrutinized, to give you options for your requirements on rapid loan solutions in Mozambique. DSD Capital provides powerful platform to Microcredit institutions for all their operational requirements, from KYC procedures, as per regulator requirements, credit analysis and decision, operational and performance KPI, and reporting for management and regulator. Various payments modalities, daily, weekly and monthly, for your consumption or business loan.
International funds partners
In collaboration with its United Arab Emirates Partner - Financier, DSD Capital is honoured to bring iNVESTE 1M+ to the Mozambican market, which is the 1st Call for Projects of its kind aimed to new ventures as well to well established ones that simultaneously includes financing and continuous technical assistance in the form of:
- Actions to qualify the Applicant for the Application, production, editing, formatting and submission of the Applicant's Application to the Call for Projects
- Technical lobbying actions for a meritocratic and swift disbursement and approval of the Application by the Financier, and subsequently
- Actions of provision of financial coaching and mentoring for the Applicant focused on the Approved Financing's management.

iNVESTE 1M+ is a brand new financial solution tailored to local SMMEs. The product was collaboratively designed based on mapping and in-depth knowledge of the business environment and all the administrative challenges of accessing financing in the Mozambican market, characterized by a panorama of investors and financial institutions averse to high-risk initiatives and ventures.