Financial Services & Technologies

Empowering Communities


Entrepreneurship Development

Super Mentores (SM) is an entrepreneurship development program designed by CDBRAND in partnership with the Institute for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (IPEME). The program aims to encourage and develop innovative business ideas from entrepreneurs and companies, exposing them to the program's mentors with the aim of contributing to the increase in job creation. The Super Mentors program aims to stimulate entrepreneurship in Mozambique through the creation of micro and small businesses, ensuring guidance and advice to micro and small entrepreneurs so that they can grow professionally, improving their quality of life and ensuring the economic development of the country. The Super Mentors initiative consists of a talent contest for ideas and business, a television program, with a business pitch, a program to build capacity and develop the business plans of the program participants, training and incubation actions, among others. DSD CAPITAL has an agreement with Super Mentores to develop a partnership in the development and implementation of content for the promotion of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs, micro and small business owners.

TV Show

DSD CAPITAL contributes a mentor to the TV program, and subsequent follow-up of the micro and small entrepreneurs who are qualified in the program. DSD CAPITAL is part of the relevant non-state partners working closely with IPEME and CDBrand for the implementation of the programme and its objectives. Partners who believe in DSD CAPITAL and Mentor Felisberto Button, can join this brand to make a joint appearance on the Super Mentores TV show.

Super Mentors Awards

Super Mentors Awards is an awards gala for the best entrepreneurs of the year. It aims to provide the entrepreneur with positive recognition for the company by highlighting the achievements of the entrepreneur and his team; give media coverage and recognition that creates an impact on your business; and create business connections with other entrepreneurs, financial institutions, donors and public institutions.

DSD CAPITAL is one of the relevant partners of the awards gala, and also one of the investors in the companies aligned in the program. In its mission of financial education, DSD Capital is the patron of the space in the gala alignment, called "DSD Panel", which discusses the topic of Personal Finance, with guests with some expertise in the matter. DSD Capital makes available every year, 500,000.00 MT (Five Hundred Thousand Meticais), in order to improve operations and make the business of the selected company viable, in the form of investment in equity, in a participation in the company's structure with a percentage to be negotiated on a case-by-case basis, and with an "exit" strategy of 3 to 5 years. DSD Capital continues to strive to attract national, individual and corporate investors to invest with DSD Capital in the local companies of this program, to sustain the development phase of the companies. The companies selected with the investment will have the possibility of direct assistance from the DSD Capital and IPEME team, in the TGP monitoring program, to maximize their productivity and accelerate growth, with the possibility of injecting additional working capital and being added to DSD Capital's Virtual Store platform, with thousands of potential and motivated national and continental consumers. Contact our advisor for details on participation in Super mentors programs and follow-up by DSD Capital. Click Here!